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Selasa, 27 Juni 2017

Technology for Daily Activities (2)

Technology can facilitate daily activities. The first activity facilitated by technology is education. As an example of which is E-learning, Online Education, etc. The reason is because knowledge can be easily obtained with the help of internet technology for now. I have experience about technology for education. The experience is I use E-Learning Gunadarma, facilitate me in accessing facilities provided by Gunadarma University, such as E-Book.

The second technology is Technology for Communication. Communication must always be maintained, to keep the relationship. For example technology for communication is mobile phone, social media, etc. Technology for Communication Can exchange information both near and far distance. Technology for communication can make it easier for me to interact with my family who is not in the same city. Such communication can be through WhatsApp or Facebook Application

Sabtu, 27 Mei 2017

Technology for daily activities

What is the strongest advantage that technology can bring us? Support you response with reason and example.

Introduction: Technology can easily my daily activities

Supporting Paraghraph 1 : Technology for Education
(Example): E-learning, Online Education
(Reason): Knowledge can be easily obtained with the help of internet technology for now
(Personal Story): E-Learning Gunadarma allows me to access some facilities provided by Gunadarma of University, such as E-Book.

Supporting Paragraph 2: Technology for Communication
(Example): Handphone and Social Media
(Reason): Can exchange information both in close and far distance.
(Personal Story): Technology for communication can make it easier for me to interact with my family who is not in the same city. Such communication can be through WhatsApp or Facebook Application

Conclusion: Results of education and communication from technology

In everyday activities everyone is using technology. Whether to study, to seek entertainment, or to communicate. Technology for educators can make it easier for students to learn independently using existing technology, such as E-Learning that provides learning materials on campus. People also have never loose their gadgets for communication. Communication is important to think about staying informed and keeping in touch with friends and family

Sabtu, 22 April 2017

Write a Story

Indonesia is a country that has many islands. Starting from big island to small islands. I would like to travel around indonesia. I will sort the places i'd like to visit.

The first is some tourist attractions in East Java. No need to exit the island if on the island of Java a lot of natural beauty that really attract my attention.

Banyuwangi has a myriad of interesting and beautiful attractions. One of the interesting places we can visit in Banyuwangi is Kawah Ijen  located on Mount Ijen. Ijen Crater is famous for having unique and rare scenery of blue fire coming from sulfur liquid. The sight of blue fire will look more beautiful in the early hours.
Not only Kawah Ijen, Savana Bekol is also a tourist attraction located in Banyuwangi. I know this place because I saw a video clip Raisa titled Jatuh Hati. He used the background of this place in the video clip. After I find out it was in the country. This place is often dubbed as Africa its East Java.

Madura, the island also has a lot of potential tourist attractions. One of them is Mount Jaddih is a limestone mining area that is classified as a new tourist spot. Although only a mining area, this place still has a charming natural charm. People say we can see the beauty of madura island as a whole from the top of the hill.

The last one is Pulo Cinta. No need to go abroad like Maldives if in Indonesia have Resort located in the Gulf of Tomini, Gorontalo (Sulawesi), a small heart-shaped island legend has become the location of a secret meeting with the prince of Gorontalo with the daughter of a Dutch merchant. The scenery in Pulo Cinta really is fascinating, Surrounded by a sea of white sandy shallows, green-turquoise and blue toska blends beautifully made scenery that invites anyone to come and enjoy the beauty of Pulo Cinta.

Those are some places I want to visit and enjoy the scenery that God has given us to enjoy and watch. Hopefully there is age and sustenance to visit the place. But I know I would go there someday.

Kamis, 13 April 2017


Hello, it's me :D Haha sorry. On October 20, 1996, I was born in Jakarta. Well, I was born with the name of a Erquinta Az Zahra. You can call me Lala. Why the name  Erquinta to be called Lala? It's a long story. He-he. I am the youngest child of two brothers. Now I live in Rawadenok. Jakarta only the birthplace of them. Just six months in Jakarta. And then moved to the strains of Depok.

Since graduated from high school, I college majoring in Accounting at the University of Gunadarma. Why do the accounting of my choice? Because, I think studying in faculty of economics has a very large employment opportunities. But, I also think that a rival worker is also very much. My goal after college, I will work according to the majors in college.

I am an independent. But I was lazy. Every day I'll go on my own. My parents used to do anything for yourself. I'm a person of few words. Silence is meant is not much to talk.

Kamis, 23 Maret 2017


Test of English as a Foreign Language ( TOEFL) is a standardized test to measure the English language ability of non-native speakers wishing to enroll in English-speaking universities. The test is accepted by many English-speaking academic and professional institutions. TOEFL is one of the two major English-language tests in the world, the other being the IELTS .

TOEFL is a trademark of the Educational Testing Service (ETS), a private non-profit organization, which designs and administers the tests. ETS issues official score reports, sent independently to institutions, for two years following the test.

Type TOEFL English test is generally required for college entrance requirements in almost all universities in the United States and Canada both for the undergraduate program (S-1) and graduate (S-2 or S-3). The results of the TOEFL test is also used as a material consideration to the English language proficiency of students who apply to universities in other countries, including universities in Europe and Australia. In general, the TOEFL test is more oriented to American English, and a little different from the type of IELTS test oriented to British English. Unlike IELTS, TOEFL test is generally do not have individual part interview test. Besides TOEFL in adults is already beginning to be used in the workplace as one of the mechanisms of recruitment or promotion ladder.

According to the Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF) Toefl benefit is included:

  1. The program for the registration of short courses and non-degree programs in English-speaking countries.
  2. For admission to the undergraduate program (S1) and a master in countries that do not use English as their mother tongue.
  3. For registration and placement in international collaboration programs that use English as the language of introduction.
  4. To register scholarships to various countries - as the initial selection.
  5. For admission test English language program that requires proof of academic English proficiency at the undergraduate level (S1) or a diploma.
  6. To determine the ability of the English language, which needs skill/expertise in academic English.

Other sources mention the benefits of
toefl is:

  1. To get the LPDP scholarship. If the university where we will be studying abroad asking score lower English (eg IELTS 6 or even 5.5) still LPDP will ask for a TOEFL score of 550. Well, TOEFL ITP can be used.
  2. The TOEFL is commonly used as a pre-condition (admission requirements) to apply to the High School and the University at home and abroad, as well as to obtain scholarship requirements.
  3. TOEFL for job applicants as well as for the promotion or sale.
  4. Requirements for the Toefl test CPNS value to the institution central ministries.

The purpose of the TOEFL test is to evaluate the potential success of an individual whose native language is not English to use and understand standard American English at a college level.
No matter where in the world you want to study, the TOEFL test can help get you there. More than 6,000 colleges, universities including the top colleges and universities in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia, New Zealand as well as licensing agencies in 110 countries accept toefl scores, to be exact

My friend experience took the TOEFL test is sometimes time will face a test there feeling nervous and afraid to disturb she concentration, cause she was not able to think clearly and respond appropriately. In the TOEFL test there are many issues that must be resolved in a fast tempo, so she could save the time required to appropriately and effectively.
Hearing ability conversation. In the TOEFL test of an entire conversation and lecture conducted by native speakers, the intonation, pronunciation and speaking rate will often be difficult, Especially if she have not been accustomed to listening to native speakers. so she just get a TOEFL score of 450.


Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

English Business

Changes in Business

1.        Make 1 business letter (any kind) in English.  

Sawangan Street No. 25 Depok 16434
Telp. 7834555
Depok, 2 October 2016
Ciputat Raya Street No.1
South Tangerang
Attractions: Notification
Dear Mr. Aga Dirgantara,
We hereby respectfully to you that, starting on October 1, 2016, our office PT. QUINTAMA RAYA located on the street Arif Rahman Hakim No. 7 Depok has moved address occupies a new building located on the street Sawangan No. 25 Depok.
In connection with the foregoing, all matters have been centralized at the new address.
So that Mr. understand, on the attention we give many thanks.

Best regards,

Djaya Widjaya

2.      Explain in your own languge what that type of letter is used for (in English and Indonesia)
This letter describes the migration of the company address. The purpose of this letter to say that all business activities will be centralized at the new address PT. Quintama.
Surat ini menjelaskan tentang berpindahnya alamat perusahan. Surat ini bertujuan memberitahu bahwa seluruh kegiatan bisnis akan terpusat pada alamat baru PT. Quintama

3.      Explain the reason you chose to make an example for that letter.

~Because it has been determined in accordance with the absences in the class. Everyone has a different theme letter. Why would I choose an address change? Because I am confused to choose which one. I only know a few letters changes in the business.~

Selasa, 28 Juni 2016

Tukang Ojek Pengkolan

Saya akan me-review sedikit tentang Sitkom Tukang Ojek Pengkolan, dengan bahasa sendiri tentunya yaa..

Tukang Ojek Pengkolan merupakan salah satu sinetron bergenre drama komedi yang tayang di RCTI dan di produksi oleh MNC Picture. Tayang perdana pada tanggal 12 April 2015, yang awalnya tayang setiap hari Senin-Sabtu sore. Akhir-akhir ini Sitkom ini tayang setiap sore setiap harinya.. Assiiikkk…
Setiap sore saya selalu menonoton sinetron ini, tapi kalau ngampus sampe sore ya gak nonton. Huhu.
Peran utama dalam sinetron ini sudah pasti ya Tukang Ojek. Ada 3 tukang ojek yang berperan, yaitu Eza Yayang (sebagai Bang Ojak/Rojak), Furry Setya (sebagai Mas Pur/Purnomo), dan Andri Sulistiandri (Sebagai Kang Tisna/Sutisna). Ketiga tukang ojek ini setiap hari mangkal di dekat lampu merah. Setiap tukang ojek pasti punya konflik masing-masing.
Bang Ojak sudah memiliki isteri bernama Tati yang diperankan oleh kak Fitrie Rachmadina. Hubungan mereka awalnya tidak direstui oleh Ibunya Tati, Maesaroh. Jadinya setiap hari pasti Bang Ojak kena omel ama Emak. Awalnya Ojak dan Tati ngontrak di sebuah kontrakan milik Babe Naim, juragan kontrakan di kampong itu. Babe Naim (Diperankan oleh Otong Lalo)  sudah lama ditinggal mati oleh istrinya, dan sudah sejak lama naksir sama Emak,Ibunya Tati. Emak yang diperankan oleh Iranty Purnamasari adalah tukang kue yang suka bikin kue kalau ada pesenan. Tapi bulan Ramadhan kemarin, Emak dan Tati bikin kue lebaran buat di jual.
Babe Naim juga sempet naksir sama beberapa gadis yang mengontrak di kontrakannya, dari Inneke, Citra, sampai Laras. Tetapi karena anaknya gak mau babenya sama gadis, maka Babeh balik dah naksir ama Emak. Oiyaa.. Babeh punya anak 2, Jamilah sama Tajudin/Dedy (diperankan oleh Fahmi Bo). Dulu Jamilah sempat tinggal bersama babeh sebelum kembali ke suaminya. Dan sekarang Tahjudin yang tinggal bersama babeh Naim. Tahjudin yang punya keluarga dan mempunyai anak bernama Boby yang masih Siswa SMA. Awalnya Tahjudin tidak mempunyai kerjaan, kesana kemari cari kerjaan juga tidak dapat, sampai akhirnya dia mulai berdagang Bubur Kacang Ijo. Tahjudin sering mangkal di Kaki Lima bersama dua pedagang lain, yaitu Pedagang Ketoprak dan Pedagang Es Cendol.
Balik lagi ke tukang ojek nih yeee..
Purnomo dan Tisna, dua temen Ojak sesama tukang ojek adalah perantauan yang dateng ke Jakarta untuk mengadu nasib, tapi karena belum punya pekerjaan lain, terpaksa jadi tukang ojek. Tisna sudah mempunyai istri yang awalnya tinggal di Bandung, sekarang tinggal di Jakarta bersama suaminya. Tetapi semenjak lebaran kemarin, istrinya yang mudik tidak kembali ke Jakarta, bahkan istrinya meminta cerai dari Kang Tisna.. Kasihaan Kang Tisna jadi Galau setiap hari mikirin ini.. Kang Tisna sekarang tinggal bersama Bapaknya, Pak Odih. Pak Odih (yang diperankan oleh Kang Kusye) merupakan temen mancingnya Babeh Naim dan Kong Murod. Pak Odih selalu jadi penengah kalau Babeh Naim dan Kong Murod bertengkar.
Banyak sebetulnya pemain lama yang sudah keluar, dan banyak pemain baru juga yang masuk.. Meskipun begitu Tukang Ojek Pengkolan ini semakin TOP. Semoga bisa sampai beratus-ratus episode bahkan sampai ribuan episode. Aamiin.. Dan semoga semua pemain dan crew TOP pada sehat-sehat ye.. Aamiin..
Segitu dulu yaa reviewnyaa…
Oiyaa bulan September 2015 lalu, saya diundang anaknya babeh (pacar aye. hehe) buat dateng ke rumahnya. Babeh Otong Lalo ternyata menggelar syukuran karena punya nazar yang pernah diungkapkan, kalau sinetron ini sampai episode seratus bakal bikin acara syukuran. Yapp.. seratus episode sudah berlalu dan di kediaman Babeh Otong ramai akan pemain dan Crew Tukang Ojek Pengkolan. Seru disana, banyak makanan :p banyak pemain, ada panggung juga. Acara dimulai siang, sampe sore.. Ada Band nya babeh otong lohhh.. Namanya Sang Bango Band. Nyayiin lagu-lagu betawi. Dan sesekali ngiringin Mas Pur dan Mpok Mumun. Joged-joged.. Ketawa-ketawa.. Ngobrol-ngobrol.. Makan-makan.. Campur-campur deh suasana disana. Keliatan banget pada refreshing setelah berminggu-minggu berbulan-bulan shooting..

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