Orange Design Pointer

Sabtu, 27 Mei 2017

Technology for daily activities

What is the strongest advantage that technology can bring us? Support you response with reason and example.

Introduction: Technology can easily my daily activities

Supporting Paraghraph 1 : Technology for Education
(Example): E-learning, Online Education
(Reason): Knowledge can be easily obtained with the help of internet technology for now
(Personal Story): E-Learning Gunadarma allows me to access some facilities provided by Gunadarma of University, such as E-Book.

Supporting Paragraph 2: Technology for Communication
(Example): Handphone and Social Media
(Reason): Can exchange information both in close and far distance.
(Personal Story): Technology for communication can make it easier for me to interact with my family who is not in the same city. Such communication can be through WhatsApp or Facebook Application

Conclusion: Results of education and communication from technology

In everyday activities everyone is using technology. Whether to study, to seek entertainment, or to communicate. Technology for educators can make it easier for students to learn independently using existing technology, such as E-Learning that provides learning materials on campus. People also have never loose their gadgets for communication. Communication is important to think about staying informed and keeping in touch with friends and family

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